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Act 1 Scene 8

Hey! How are you? Good? Have you eaten? If not please eat!

Anyways, here is Nana. She was a mage in the rebellion and Hildr's right hand (wo)man. No one knows her real name, only her code name in the war- Nana. She had a huge crush on Hildr at one point .She is pretty antisocial and now lives alone on a floating island that she enchanted. Her staff can morph into a spear, but she is still better with magic, and especially elemental magic.

For this paint, I tried experimenting with gradient maps, and I like how it really sped me up in terms of painting. However, I think the execution could have still be better. The concept is pretty nice though, and I like her hair and expression.

I think in the future, i will rework this painting, and do some colour variation studies, where the gradient maps would come in handy. For future projects, i think I will apply what I learnt about gradient maps and masks more, as it speeds my process up by quite abit.

That's all for now folks! See you next time!

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