Hey! :D
My name is Erica, thanks for dropping by! I am an alumni of Singapore Polytechnic Digital Animation, and I design, illustrate and dabble in some 3D art. I have also produced work for the Singapore Book Council, Ochre Pictures, Big 3 Media and the Share the Care Campaign.
I love a large range of genres, including but not limited to, musical theater, sci-fi and fantasy, and its influence can be seen in my art. I especially like experimenting with themes and genres, and coming up with interesting stories.
In my spare time I enjoy indulging in the theatrical arts, making music, and playing with animals.
I like experimenting with colour, and weaving together my art with the messages and stories that I would like to share, be it through illustration, writing, or song. To be honest though, I draw as it makes me feel happy, and its kind of nice to be able to create something with tools as simple as a thought, a pencil, and a piece of paper.
Don't hesitate to contact me me regarding any up-and-coming or on-going projects!